Cranes are a ubiquitous part of any construction site. Archeological evidence suggests that the Greeks used crane trucks for the first time in 515 B.C.E. From lifting logs and iron during the construction of Greek temples to lifting water in ancient Mesopotamia, cranes have been for centuries.
However, the industrial revolution and growth of technology and IoT started the growth in crane manufacturing at affordable crane prices. Construction became easier with cranes, such as mobile cranes and crawler cranes. But, if you are not familiar with different types of cranes, you may end up buying the wrong one.
To help you choose the right machine, I have broken down the different types of mobile and fixed cranes in the blog.

Mobile Cranes
Mobile cranes are mounted on tires are crawler trucks that offer great stability and the ability to reach tough terrains. These cranes can be driven in any location and navigate on the job site to carry a heavy load from one part to another.
Type Of Mobile Cranes Are:
Crawler Crane
The crawler crane consists of tracks or crawlers which are fitted in the undercarriage. The crawler crane consists of rubber tracks that help it go gain mobility on soft ground and sites. The crawler crane has a telescopic arm which has a main and auxiliary load hoist mechanism. The telescopic arm of the telescopic boom crane allows it the ability to change its size, which makes it highly adaptable on challenging terrains. For small operations you can even opt for mini crawler crane.
Key Feature
Rubber crawler tracks instead of wheels
Useful in construction jobs on soft/uneven terrains
Rough Terrain Crane
As the name implies these cranes are useful in carrying out an operation on rough terrains. This is built just like a crawler crane, but instead of crawler tracks, it consists of rubber tires for mobility. These have four tires and come with a telescopic boom which outriggers that improve the stability of the crane during movement from one place to another.
Key Features
It is a type of four-wheeler and has a compact size.
The telescopic boom crane is useful in movement in rough terrain.
Truck Mounted Crane
The truck-mounted crane is made of two important parts, one is a carrier known as a truck and another is a boom known as the boom. The truck crane is known for its unique build, it has wheels that make it easy to move even on difficult job sites.
The truck-mounted crane consists of outriggers and counterweights to bring balance and stability to the crane while allowing the truck crane to move heavy loads.
Key Features
Ability to move on highways.
Useful in inspection, maintenance, and building of bridges.
All construction sites require the movement of heavy material which is why choosing a mobile crane is crucial. For the safety and proper functioning of the crane, you must consult an inspection officer and hire trained personnel for operating the cranes like mini crawler crane, telescopic boom crane and truck crane.
To pick the right crane you must inspect the work site, weather, terrain condition, and weight of the materials. Once you have all your project specs, you can determine the crane truck which will be appropriate for a successful construction job.